Helping Children With Autism Make Friends

Creating genuine connections can be a challenge, especially for children on the autism spectrum. The ability to develop friendships relies heavily on possessing appropriate social skills, an area where many autistic children may face difficulties. Imagine navigating the complexities of social interaction while grappling with deciphering non-verbal cues such as body language, facial expressions, and…

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Top 5 New Year’s Resolutions For ASD Mommies

  With the New Year just starting, people are making resolutions and setting goals. For most, it’s about working out and eating healthier, but for parents with children on the spectrum, priorities and goals can be quite different. Today, we want to help you make the most out of 2024, so we’ve compiled a list…

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Halloween Alternatives for ASD Families: Ensuring a Safe and Spooky Celebration

Spooky season has arrived, and with it comes celebrations, festivities, and Halloween fun for many children. However, for parents and families of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), this holiday can present unique challenges. The combination of people, noises, lights, candies, and various sensory stimuli can lead to sensory overload and ASD meltdowns. Nevertheless, it…

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What Are the Symptoms of Autism?

How to find out if your child might have ASD… While symptoms and their severity vary from child to child, the three core signs of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are:    Social interaction difficulties  Communication challenges Tendency to engage in repetitive behaviors    While these three core areas vary between individuals, they often times will…

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5 Tips for an Autism-Friendly Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is finally here! All the excitement, food, and family gatherings can make these celebrations one of the most anticipated ones of the year. However, for families on the spectrum, all these schedule changes, new meals, and visits can represent a huge challenge. Thankfully, it is possible to have fun and ease these issues, and today we will share a few…

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Thanksgiving Hacks For Autistic Parents

Thanksgiving is finally here! All the excitement, food, and family gatherings can make these celebrations one of the most anticipated ones of the year. However, for families on the spectrum, all these schedule changes, new meals, and visits can represent a huge challenge. Thankfully, it is possible to have fun and ease these issues, and today we will share a few…

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Helping ASD Children Transition Back To In-Person School

Transitions are tough, especially for children in the Spectrum.  Since in-person school return just happened a few weeks ago, we have had many parents asking the same question…“How can I help my ASD son cope better with school return?”. Today, our medical team shares their best tips for a better school transition: Tip 1) Help…

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EFT Tapping For Autistic Emotional Regulation

Although emotional dysregulation is not a specific criterion for diagnosing a child with autism, those who are on the spectrum tend to be more likely to lack emotional self-regulation skills.  However, ASD children can learn to self-regulate! Today we will analyze a self-soothing method that is becoming widely known and is used by professionals to…

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Helping Autistic Children Understand Consent

Autistic children are much more likely to be victims of sexual assault. According to recent data “People with intellectual disabilities are the victims of sexual assault at a rate seven times higher than those without disabilities”. This is the very reason why we need to teach children in the spectrum how to protect themselves. We understand that this can be a conversation hard…

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De-Escalation Strategies: Calming Strategies for Autism Meltdowns

Sometimes, when autistic children become extremely overwhelmed or they’re experiencing sensory overload, they have a meltdown where they lose control over their behaviors. These situations are stressful for everyone involved and potentially dangerous for both bystanders and your child. Knowing some de-escalation strategies will help you avoid a potential crisis. Understanding The Escalation Cycle  …

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