Helping ASD Children Transition Back To In-Person School

Transitions are tough, especially for children in the Spectrum. 

Since in-person school return just happened a few weeks ago, we have had many parents asking the same question…“How can I help my ASD son cope better with school return?”.

Today, our medical team shares their best tips for a better school transition:

Tip 1) Help Your Child Get Used To School Again

Visiting the school on a weekday can be a great way to help your child become more familiar. 

Tip 2) Practice Wearing  A Mask

For most children wearing a mask is hard, however, it’s mandatory that children wear them during in-person school. To help ease the task we recommend you practicing at home and getting a mask that is comfortable. Getting a face mask with his favorite characters can help too. 

Tip 3) Prepare Ahead

Like the rest of us, ASD children like to be prepared for what’s ahead. For this reason, showing him visuals of what he/she will do the next day at school can be a great way to reduce anxiety.

Tip 4) Help Socialize

Since the pandemic limited social gatherings, it can become hard for children not to be overwhelmed by crowds again. In order to help him/her get used to it, you can practice ahead and invite some of his/her friends or cousins over. This way he/she will feel more used to social interactions.

Tip 5) Keep Reasonable Expectations

Some children will need more time to adapt than others and that is completely okay. 

Tip 6) Keep Yourself Open to Additional Resources

Some schools offer after-school programs or small groups of individualized instruction to help children adapt better. Don’t be afraid to try new things!

Tip 7) Stick to What Works For Your Child

Pay attention to the tools that help your child the most and make use of them. Not all therapies work the same for all children and that is okay, the point is to find what works best for yours!

At WSCC, we offer support for autistic families and their children with Stem Cell Therapy treatments that can transform autistic conditions by healing the gut, decreasing inflammation, and improving brain function. We also created an autistic community on Facebook that is destined to offer support and companionship for ASD parents and their families on their journey.

Remember, you are not alone!