Best Foods For Autistic Children

When it comes to Autism, nutrition determines everything. Autistic signs and behaviors can drastically increase, or worsen if your childs diet is not adequate.

On the other hand, if an ASD child is fed with the right nutrients, autistic behaviors can be radically diminished and even improved.

Previously, we have shared the Worst Foods for Autistic Conditions, so today we want to share with you the actual best foods for children with Autism.

The Best Foods For Children With Autism

According to Autism Nutritionist Jenny Friedman, the following foods can help improve your child’s Autism symptoms and overall health.

Fatty Fish and Eggs: 

These foods are particularly rich in Omega 3 fatty acids. This acid is particularly helpful when it comes to fighting inflammation and improving brain functioning. According to a study, low consumption of omega 3 fatty acids have been linked to Autism, dyslexia, ADHD, depression, anxiety, and dyspraxia. Another study found that ASD symptomatology, as well as hyperactivity, can be greatly improved with higher consumption of omega 3. To implement this, try including eggs into your childs diet at least 3 times a week. If your child does not like the taste of fatty fish like salmon, trout, or tuna, you can start with fish cakes, fish burgers, fish sticks, and even fish tacos.

Grass-Fed Beef: 

Grass-fed beef is also very high in omega 3 acids. Additionally,  it contains higher levels of healthy fats, more beneficial nutrients (like vitamins A and E), and fewer less beneficial ones (like cholesterol) than conventionally raised beef. Animal protein is essentially good for ASD children because it is a rich source of B12. B12 is an important vitamin, that plays a major role in the functioning of the nervous system. A recent study found out that ASD children,  presented improved behaviors when fed with it. 

Shellfish, Beans, Nuts, Seeds:

A high percentage of autistic children present zinc deficiencies due to restricted diets. Recent studies have shown that a diet with adequate zinc intake can help improve autistic behaviors and reduce picky eating at a high percentage. Incorporating zinc-rich foods such as shellfish, beans, chickpeas, peas, yogurt, cheese, cashews, and almonds is key to ensuring your child’s nutrition.

We highly encourage you to implement the foods mentioned above to your childs diet to improve behavioral signs. Additionally,  we want to remind you that before jumping to any restricted diet (such GF-CF) you should ensure that your child’s diet is based on well-rounded nutritional values.

***Nutrition Challenge: Try implementing 3 of the mentioned above foods into your childs meals this week and take time to notice behavioral changes.

At WSCC, we offer support for autistic families and their children with stem cell therapy treatments that can transform autistic conditions by healing the gut, decreasing inflammation and improving overall brain functioning. Contact us and join an autistic community of support and companionship. 

Remember, you are not alone!

