Regressive Autism: The Ultimate Guide

Many mothers have shared with us the fact that their children were talkative, engaged, and energetic, and suddenly everything changed. Children became quiet, disengaged, and many times starting showing increased autistic behaviors. If you have noticed conducts like this in your child, he/she might be facing what is known as Regressive Autism.

Today, we will analyze its symptoms, signs, and possible treatments to ease it. 

What Is Regressive Autism?

Regressive Autism, also known as autistic regression, setback-type autism, and acquired autistic syndrome. Its a condition where the child appears to be developing in a normal way and suddenly begins to lose social skills, communicational abilities, and in some cases even coordination.

This condition usually appears at 15 months of age, and it can last until the child is 30 months old. However, the average age of its appearance is 19 months old.

The regression can either be gradual or fast, depending on the child, and in some cases, it can be interrupted by a period of stagnant skill progression.

What Are The Causes Of Regressive Autism?

Close to 77% of the children that are diagnosed with regressive autism have also presented a loss of conversational or communicational skills. 

The main causes of Regressive Autism have been traced back to genetics and environmental factors. Otherwise, children will gradually present symptoms and not suddenly.

Early Signs of Regressive Autism?

  • Avoids or doesn’t like eye contact
  • Fails to respond when the child’s name is called (the child may initially be suspected to be deaf)
  • Unable to point at objects or things of interest, or failure to show interest
  • Generally wants to be alone
  • Fails to understand or acknowledge other people’s feelings, as well as their own
  • Experiences echolalia, or the tendency to repeat words and phrases uttered by other people over and over again
  • Tends to give unrelated answers to questions asked to them
  • Obsessive interests
  • Loves to flap hands and/or spins in circles.
  • Gets upset by minor changes in daily activities
  • Exhibits low to zero social skills
  • Shows unusual reactions like over- or under-sensitivity to the sound, smell, taste, look and feel of various things
  • Tends to reverse the use of pronouns and use “you” instead of “I”
  • Detests or avoids physical contact
  • Demonstrates little attention to safety and is greatly unaware of the danger

If you notice 3 more of these signs in your child, we highly encourage you to visit your family doctor.

Therapies and Treatments to Help Ease Regressive Autism

Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) 

This therapy mainly involves the services of a therapist who works intensely with a child in one-on-one sessions for 20 to 40 hours per week. The sessions usually start with formally structured drills like learning to point to a certain object when its name is given.

In the sessions, the child is taught skills like learning the various colors in a simple step-by-step process. ABA programs are claimed to be most effective when they are started early (before the age of five), but they are also beneficial to older children.

Sensory Integration

This particular therapy seeks to incentivize the vestibular, tactile, and proprioceptive system. This face-to-face therapy or treatment is oriented to influence the way children respond to sensations, by reducing distress and improving motor skills. 

You can find more ideas on how to implement it at home in our blog post Helping a Sensory-Seeking Child When You Can’t Afford Therapy.

Stem Cell Therapy For Autism 

Stem cell therapy is an incredible way to boost your childs potential for it is oriented to solve three of the main autistic areas; gut, brain, and immune system dysfunctions.

Gut: Stem cells work as a barrier in the childs intestine, and heal leaky gut conditions. This can be translated into less abdominal inflammation, ceasing of pain, and prevention of “leaked substances” that can be carried through the blood to the nervous system (brain), increasing autistic behaviors.

Brain: In terms of the brain, stem cells support learning and cognitive development by enhancing the disrupted unions between neurons. This “re-connection” can represent access to knowledge that the child didnt have previously, and that is usually manifested in faster learning, increased speech, better cognitive functionality, and overall in a decrease of autistic behaviors.

Immune System: It is well known that stem cells can regulate the immune function by secreting specific cytokines (cytokines are substances that allow cells to communicate with other cells) which regulate the expression of inflammatory substances and downregulate the immune system. This can be manifested in a stronger immunological response against viruses, and can even act as a “preventive” measure against Covid-19.

It is also important to note that one of the most important concepts about stem cell therapy is that it only works in conjunction with other biomedical approaches. You can’t do stem cell therapy and expect to be able to stop everything else that you are currently doing for your child. However, the upside is that you will start seeing much better gains from your current interventions. Meaning faster progress in ABA therapy, better and faster detoxing, speedier progress in school, etc.

At WSCC, we offer support for autistic families and their children with Stem Cell Therapy treatments that can transform autistic conditions by healing the gut, decreasing inflammation, and improving brain function. We also created an autistic community on Facebook that is destined to offer support and companionship for ASD parents and their families on their journey.

 Remember, you are not alone!

