Stem Cell Therapy To Heal the Autistic Brain

During the last decades, Stem Cell Therapy has revolutionized the health industry bringing health and recovery for conditions that were previously considered as “ untreatable”. 

When it comes to autism, stem cells have become a very useful, accessible, and effective alternative when it comes to easing the three main autistic treats: Gut, brain, and overall chronic inflammation. 

Today we will analyze how stem cell therapy helps boosting cerebral potential and thus the learning capabilities in autism.

What Is Stem Cell Therapy? 

Stem Cell Therapy is a novel method of modulating the immune system, leveraging the body’s repair mechanism and direct it to repair, heal and potentially regenerate some specific organs and tissues. It also allows physicians to expand the number of cells normally produced by a healthy individual and concentrate those cells to address the specific areas of concern.

What Are The Benefits of Stem Cells? 

Stem cells can address pretty much any affected tissue in the human body and regenerate it by becoming that particular tissue. This is a process that happens every day in our bodies and which allows us to stay on top of the normal wear and tear that our organs and tissues are exposed to.

How Does Stem Cell Therapy Help The Autistic Brain?

As we mentioned above Stem Cells are mainly geared to focus on the three main autistic areas of concern: Gut, brain, and inflammation.

When it comes to the brain, Stem Cell Therapy is oriented to restore the breakage between neuronal clusters. In other words, stem cells identify the “damaged” synapsis and inflamed cerebral cells triggering a mechanism of repair. This regeneration will enable clusters of neurons that were disconnected to be “joined” again, helping the child`s brain to recover its plasticity. 

What Are The Benefits of SCT for Neuronal Development?

Since Stem Cells help the brain gain its plasticity back, the child will have access to knowledge that he/she previously didn’t have but that was already there. 

For example, most of our parents recall that after the therapy the child was able to count to a 100, and previously he wasn`t able to count past 10. Also, this will be translated into an increase in communicational abilities, compliance, and comprehension, the child will be able to access words that he/she understood but wasn’t able to communicate.

Also, up to 90% of our patient’s parents noticed an increase in mobility. Better coordination, and even recovery of fine and gross motor skills. 

Furthermore, parents noticed that their children presented an overall decrease in autistic behaviors, yielding a better cognitive function, increase in speech, fewer meltdowns, better social skills, and overall a healthier, happier child. 

Where are the cells obtained from?

This is normally referred to as the source of the Stem Cells used for the therapy.

 There are two large groups of Stem Cells, immature stem cells, and adult stem cells. Adult Stem Cells are classified into two groups, autologous and allogeneic. Allogenic Stem Cells are normally harvested from a donated tissue such as the umbilical cord, while Autologous cells are harvested from the patient who is going to be treated. 

Is the treatment painful?

All our patients are sleeping during the bone marrow aspiration process. There is no need for incisions, stitches, or anything similar. A simple aspiration needle is placed, bone marrow is collected immediately and the needle is removed. Easy peasy 10-minute procedure. When our patients wake up, they do not complain about pain and all our patients head back to the hotel walking.

Will the results be permanent?

According to Ph.D. Scientist in Stem Cell Therapy at World Stem Cells Clinic, Rafael Gonzalez “Stem cell therapy treatments change the quality of life in patients by increasing blood flow and improving body functionality”, so effectively results are stable and permanent in most autistic conditions as long as toxic insults are avoided (like dietary insults, dysbiosis, etc) 

Is Stem Cell Therapy FDA approved / legal?

World Stem Cells Clinic is located out of the United States in Cancun, Mexico. 

We are not ruled under FDA legislation and regulations. However, this does not mean that we are not regulated, in fact, our clinic meets all 2021 health legislations, medical requirements, and has the licenses to operate and successfully treat patients with Stem Cell Therapy safely and effectively. 

What are the risks of the treatment?

The health risks that a child might experience while getting Stem Cell Therapy are directly related to each specific step of our process that includes:


  • Blood Draws: Risk of bruising, sensibility, and in extreme cases swelling or infection.
  • Bone Marrow Aspiration: Risk of minor bleeding/pain on puncture site, or tenderness.
  • IV Reinfusion: Bruising and tenderness.
  • Intrathecal Reinfusion: Risk of bruising and tenderness, in extreme cases infection, headaches, vertigo, and dizziness. 


At WSCC, our therapies are done with maximum safety and the highest standard of excellence and professionalism. None of our patients have ever presented major side effects and most parents report positive improvements as soon as a month after the therapy. 

It is also important to note that stem cell therapy will require the cooperation of the family,  results will always be better in conjunction with an adequate ASD diet and even some other biomedical approaches. This will translate into faster progress in ABA therapy, better and faster detoxing, speedier progress in school, decreased autistic behaviors, new milestone developments, and overall better health.

At WSCC, we offer support for autistic families and their children with Stem Cell Therapy treatments that can transform autistic symptom expression by healing the gut, decreasing inflammation, and improving brain function. We also created an autistic community on Facebook that is destined to offer support and companionship for ASD parents and their families on their journey.

Remember, you are not alone!

