Sensory Sensitivity and Autism

Tips for children with sensory anxiety. Anxiety, sensory processing, and sensory overload 75% of children with Autism present sensory anxiety and sensitivity.   When your child’s body is not processing, interpreting, and responding correctly to the sensory information around him, the fear of not knowing what sensory experiences may come up is enough to cause…

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Eating out as a family with an autistic child.

Dining out at a restaurant is an enjoyable and relaxing outing for families. After all, what parent doesn’t like a night off from cooking and doing dishes? But for many parents raising kids on the autism spectrum, eating out can be an extremely challenging experience. Families must cope with stressful tantrums, picky eating, difficulties sitting…

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Transition Strategies For Children With Autism

While most children struggle with transitions at some point in their lives, children with autism can find it particularly difficult to move from one activity to another. They may become visibly agitated and overwhelmed, express feelings of sadness and anger, and some may erupt into a full-blown meltdown, especially when they are expected to transition…

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Easing School Anxiety in ASD Children

Anxiety is very common among children and teens on the autism spectrum. This may be because many people with autism struggle with social interactions, which can include eye contact, conversation, social cues, and body language. Social anxiety can present itself in a variety of ways, including avoiding social situations altogether, becoming shaky or sweaty during…

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Bedtime tips for ASD children

How to Solve the Autism Sleep Problem Without Going Nuts Sleep disorders may be even more common in children with autism spectrum disorders. Researchers estimate that between 40% and 80% of children with ASD have difficulty sleeping. The biggest sleep problems among these children include: Difficulty falling asleep Inconsistent sleep routines Restlessness or poor sleep…

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Traveling to Mexico with ASD Children

Because traveling with children doesn’t have to be hard. Family travel isn’t quite as spontaneous as traveling when you’re young and free of responsibilities, but that doesn’t mean that it needs to be stressful. With a little bit of forward planning and these top tips to remember, taking a trip with your children will be…

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Benefits of Sleeping With Weighted Blankets

Are weighted blankets really worth the investment? Overview Weighted blankets are heavier than the kinds of blankets people usually buy. They typically weigh anywhere from 4 to 30 pounds, making them heavier than the average comforter or down quilt. For many people who have disorders such as anxiety, insomnia, or autism, weighted blankets may provide…

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Autism Treatment Breakdown: Stem Cell Therapy

What is it: Stem Cell Therapy is a novel method of leveraging the body’s own repair mechanism and direct it in order to repair and regenerate specific organs and tissues. It also allows physicians to expand the number of cells normally produced by a healthy individual and concentrate those cells to address the specific areas…

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What Are the Symptoms of Autism?


How to find out if your child might have ASD… Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are characterized by social-interaction difficulties, communication challenges and a tendency to engage in repetitive behaviors. However, symptoms and their severity vary widely across these three core areas. For others, symptoms may be more severe, as when repetitive behaviors and lack of…

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