Parenting Tips

Best Foods For Autistic Children

When it comes to Autism, nutrition determines everything. Autistic signs and behaviors can drastically increase, or worsen if your child’s diet is not adequate. On the other hand, if an ASD child is fed with the right nutrients, autistic behaviors can be radically diminished and even improved. Previously, we have shared the Worst Foods for…

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Mommy Burnout: Which Stage Are You At?

Parenting is a serious task and a full-time job. It respects no weekends, vacations, or nightshifts. It requires constant learning, and many times it can make mothers feel like they are at the edge of themselves. Just by the end of the 1st year of your life with your child, the average mom loses close…

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Eliminating Attention Seeking Behaviors in Autism

All human beings, especially children, need attention and it’s common to seek it when we sense that we are not receiving it enough. However, when it comes to the point that you can not focus on anything else because your child is misbehaving to have all your attention it can be problematic and it can…

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Is My ASD Parenting Style Toxic?

Parenting is challenging. Taking care of a child, while teaching him/her how to become the best version of themselves is tough. Now, parenting a child with autism takes things to the next level due to all the challenges that come with ASD diagnosis. Children with autism cannot be raised like their neurotypical peers for they…

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Eating out as a family with an autistic child.

Dining out at a restaurant is an enjoyable and relaxing outing for families. After all, what parent doesn’t like a night off from cooking and doing dishes? But for many parents raising kids on the autism spectrum, eating out can be an extremely challenging experience. Families must cope with stressful tantrums, picky eating, difficulties sitting…

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Potty Training Tips for Children with Autism

From learning new routines to knowing when it’s time to use the toilet, to being able to manipulate clothing, the potty training process can take many years for some children with autism to become experts. Keep in mind that children with autism are all very different and master skills at different times. Some children have…

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How to Discipline an Autistic Child

Is it autism or just bad behavior? Discipline is helping your child learn how to behave – as well as how not to behave. It works best when you have a warm and loving relationship with your child. Discipline and discipline strategies are positive. They’re built on talking and listening. They guide all children towards: Knowing…

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Easing School Anxiety in ASD Children

Anxiety is very common among children and teens on the autism spectrum. This may be because many people with autism struggle with social interactions, which can include eye contact, conversation, social cues, and body language. Social anxiety can present itself in a variety of ways, including avoiding social situations altogether, becoming shaky or sweaty during…

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Bedtime tips for ASD children

How to Solve the Autism Sleep Problem Without Going Nuts Sleep disorders may be even more common in children with autism spectrum disorders. Researchers estimate that between 40% and 80% of children with ASD have difficulty sleeping. The biggest sleep problems among these children include: Difficulty falling asleep Inconsistent sleep routines Restlessness or poor sleep…

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Traveling to Mexico with ASD Children

Because traveling with children doesn’t have to be hard. Family travel isn’t quite as spontaneous as traveling when you’re young and free of responsibilities, but that doesn’t mean that it needs to be stressful. With a little bit of forward planning and these top tips to remember, taking a trip with your children will be…

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