Helping ASD Children Transition Back To In-Person School

Transitions are tough, especially for children in the Spectrum.  Since in-person school return just happened a few weeks ago, we have had many parents asking the same question…“How can I help my ASD son cope better with school return?”. Today, our medical team shares their best tips for a better school transition: Tip 1) Help…

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De-Escalation Strategies: Calming Strategies for Autism Meltdowns

Sometimes, when autistic children become extremely overwhelmed or they’re experiencing sensory overload, they have a meltdown where they lose control over their behaviors. These situations are stressful for everyone involved and potentially dangerous for both bystanders and your child. Knowing some de-escalation strategies will help you avoid a potential crisis. Understanding The Escalation Cycle  …

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Stem Cell Therapy For Immune System Improvement in Autism

The body’s immune system is the front-line defense against bacterial infections and viral invaders like Covid-19. However, in autism, the immune system is affected by a broad range of factors and conditions that may make it less than effective in fighting off attackers.  Today we will analyze ways to achieve immune system improvement, including (of…

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ASD and Gut Imbalance: Microbes in Quicksand By MSC Susana Reyes

Homo sapiens’ entities are the overwhelming minority in our bodies: there are 10 times more microbial cells than human cells. Across centuries, we’ve learned not only to coexist but to strive towards the goal of mutual survival. However, as microbial populations shuffle in type and population across different tissues of our bodies we are prone…

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Top 5 New Years Resolutions For ASD Mommies 

With the New Year just starting, yearly resolutions and goals emerge. For most people things like working out, and eating healthier come at the top of the list. However, for parents with children on the spectrum, priorities can be way too different and so can be the goals. Today, we want to help you make…

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Autism Parenting: Why Does My Child Flap His Hands?

Kids with autism have several quirks that non-autistics consider strange. Hand flapping, fixations, and echolalia can be some examples of ASD unique conduct. Today, we will analyze the reason behind those conducts as well as ways to prevent it. The Reason Behind Common ASD Conducts and Behaviors 1.- Lack of Eye Contact: A lot of autism…

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Time Management in Autism: Top Ways to Approach it!

With the current pandemic, most parents on the spectrum find themselves homeschooling their children. For those following school curricula, assignments and time management can be overwhelming. Homeworks and activities can be seen as never-ending, and time appears to be insufficient. However, there are some tips that can help you make the most out of your…

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Online School: Helping Children Stay Focused

Most parents come to us complaining that keeping children focused during online school has become a challenge. However,  with some tips, tools, and strategies, you can help your children stay focused during online school while improving their attention and concentration!  Identifying Challenges Identifying what is hard for your child is the first step towards online…

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Can Autism Be Cured?

For most families, receiving an autism diagnosis can be overwhelming. Lots of questions, and wonder.  Almost every parent in the spectrum has asked us, “Is there a cure for autism?”, “What can I do to ease the symptoms?”, “What is the best therapy?”.  Today, our medical team will answer all your questions in our blog…

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Gardening Therapy For Autism

Amid a global pandemic, most people find themselves at home most of the time. One of the bright sides of it is the fact that Americans are investing more time into their gardens. Urban farming is growing exponentially as the pandemic continues. Now, people want to be involved in the growing process of their vegetables…

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